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BudSpender | Cannabis Receipt Parser

Your cannabis receipts hold a lot of data, put that data to work with BudSpender. This OpenAI-powered tool parses cannabis receipts into well-structured data that can be used for trending, analytics, and however you please.


Initialize a ReceiptsParser parsing client:

from import ReceiptsParser

# Initialize a COA parser.
parser = ReceiptsParser(openai_api_key=openai_api_key)

Parse a cannabis receipt:

# Parse a receipt.
filename = 'receipt-2023-04-20.jpeg'
data = parser.parse(filename)

Extracted Data

BudSpender is designed to extract structured data from unstructured text commonly found in cannabis receipts. Below is a breakdown of the extracted fields

Field Example Description
date_sold "2020-04-20" The date the receipt was sold.
invoice_number "123456789" The receipt number.
product_names ["Blue Rhino Pre-Roll"] The names of the product purchased.
strain_names ["Blue Rhino"] The strain names of the products purchased.
product_types ["flower"] The types of the products purchased.
product_quantities [1] The quantities of the products purchased.
product_weights [3.5g] The weights of the products purchased.
product_prices [5.0] The prices of the products purchased.
product_ids ["5f8b9c4b0f5c4b0008d1b2b0"] The IDs of the products purchased.
total_amount 5.0 The total amount of all product prices.
subtotal 5.0 The subtotal of the receipt.
total_discount 0.0 The amount of discount applied to the transaction, if applicable.
total_paid 5.0 The total amount paid.
change_due 0.0 The amount of change due.
rewards_earned 0.0 The amount of rewards earned.
rewards_spent 0.0 The amount of rewards spent.
total_rewards 0.0 The total amount of rewards.
city_tax 0.0 The amount of city tax applied to the transaction, if applicable.
county_tax 0.0 The amount of county tax applied to the transaction, if applicable.
state_tax 0.0 The amount of state tax applied to the transaction, if applicable.
excise_tax 0.0 The amount of excise tax applied to the transaction, if applicable.
retailer "BudHouse" The name of the retailer.
retailer_license_number "C11-0000001-LIC" The license number of the retailer.
retailer_address "1234 Main St, San Diego, CA 92101" The address of the retailer.
retailer_street "420 State Ave" The retailer street, if applicable.
retailer_city "Olympia" The retailer city, if applicable.
retailer_state "CA" The state of the retailer, if applicable.
retailer_zipcode "98506" The zip code of the retailer, if applicable.
budtender "John Doe" The name of the budtender.


Method Name Return Type Description Parameters
parse dict Parses a receipt with OpenAI's GPT model and returns the structured data as a JSON. doc: Path to the document.
Other parameters to fine-tune the parsing such as model, openai_api_key, max_tokens, etc.
image_to_pdf_to_text str Extracts the text from an image by converting it to a PDF. image_file: Path to the image file.
image_to_text str Directly extracts the text from an image. image_file: Path to the image file.
median_blur: (Optional) Removes noise. Must be a positive odd integer.
save - Saves the extracted data to a specified file. obs: The parsed observation.
filename: Destination file name.
quit - Resets the parser and performs garbage cleaning. -