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Strain Data API

You can get data about common cannabis strains with the api/data/strains endpoint. You can request data for a specific strain with the api/data/strains/<strain_name> endpoint.


Below are the parameters that you can pass and examples of how you can format a request body.

Parameter Options Example
limit The maximum number of strains to return, pass any positive integer. ?limit=420
order The field to use to order the returned strains, strain_name by default. ?order=total_thc
desc Whether or not to order in descending order, the default is false. ?desc=true
aromas The desired aromas as a comma-separated value. ?aromas=lime,skunk
effects The desired effects as a comma-separated value. ?effects=sleepy,dry+eyes
any Whether or not to return matches on any of the requested effects and aromas, the default is false. ?any=true
{analyte} An analyte to filter by concentration. Prepend the concentration value by one of the operation prefixes in the table below. You can combine operations with a +. For example, total_thc=g20+l25 is the logical equivalent of requesting total_thc greater than 20 and less than 25 percent. ?beta_pinene=ge0.25

The operations that can be used as prefixes in {analyte} values include:

Prefix Operation
g Greater than X.
ge Greater than or equal to X.
l Less than X.
le Less than or equal to X.

Any of the analytes below can be used to query strains by their average concentrations.



Below are a handful of examples, written in Python, that can be generalized to your favorite programming language.

import requests
import urllib.parse

# Define the URL.
url = ''

# Get strains.
params = {'limit': 3}
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
data = response.json()['data']
print('Found %i strains.' % len(data))

# Get a specific strain.
strain_name = urllib.parse.quote_plus('Super Silver Haze')
response = requests.get(url + '/' + strain_name)
data = response.json()['data']
print('Found %s.' % data['strain_name'])

# Get strains by effects.
effects = json.dumps(['focused', 'creative'])
params = {'limit': 10, 'effects': effects}
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
data = response.json()['data']
print('Found %i strains.' % len(data))

# Get strains by aromas.
aromas = json.dumps(['skunk'])
params = {'limit': 5,'aromas': aromas}
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
data = response.json()['data']
print('Found %i strains.' % len(data))

# Get strain by compound concentration.
params = {'limit': 25, 'beta_pinene': 'g0.2'}
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
data = response.json()['data']
print('Found %i strains.' % len(data))