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Cannlytics Utilities

The cannlytics.utils module contains constants and general utility functions for working with cannabis data. Due to the use of zoneinfo for managing time, Python 3.9+ is recommended.


There are a number of useful constants in the cannlytics.utils.constants submodule that you can use for standardizing data.

Constant Description
ANALYSES A map of encountered analyses to their standardized analysis.
ANALYTES A map of encountered analytes to their standardized analyte.
STANDARD_ANALYSES Standard analysis key map.
STANDARD_FIELDS A map of encountered fields to their standardized field.
STANDARD_UNITS A map of standard units by analysis to use when no units are obtainable.
PRODUCT_TYPES A map of encountered product types to their standardized product type.
STRAINS A map of encountered strains to their standardized strain name.
CODINGS Standard value codings.
DECARB Cannabinoid decarboxylation rate.
DEFAULT_HEADERS Default headers to use for HTTP requests, because we are AI and should not be treated as a bot.
RANDOM_STRING_CHARS Random characters to use in password generation.
states A map of state abbreviations to state names.
state_names A map of state names to state abbreviations.
state_time_zones A map of state abbreviations to timezone.

Utility Functions

String Utilities

Function Description
camelcase(string) Turn a given string to CamelCase.
camel_to_snake(string) Turn a camel-case string to a snake-case string. This function handles CamelCase better than snake_case. The function does not do well with all caps, e.g. "APP_ID".
kebab_case(string) Turn a string into a kebab-case string.
format_billions(value) Format a number in billions.
format_millions(value) Format a number in millions.
format_thousands(value) Format a number in thousands.
get_keywords(string) Get keywords for a given string.
get_random_string(length, allowed_chars=RANDOM_STRING_CHARS) Return a securely generated random string.
sentence_case(string) Format a string as a sentence.
snake_case(string) Turn a given string to snake case. Handles CamelCase, replaces known special characters with preferred namespaces, replaces spaces with underscores, and removes all other nuisance characters.
strip_whitespace(string) Strip whitespace from a string.

Number Utilities

Function Description
convert_to_numeric(string, strip=False) Convert a string to numeric, optionally replacing non-numeric characters.

List Utilities

Function Description
sandwich_list(a) Create a range that cycles from start to the end to the middle.
sorted_nicely(a) Sort the given iterable in the way that humans expect.
split_list(a, at_index=None) Split a list in half or at a given index.

Dictionary Utilities

Function Description
clean_dictionary(data, function=snake_case) Format dictionary keys with given function, snake case by default.
clean_nested_dictionary(data, function=snake_case) Format nested (at most 2 levels) dictionary keys with a given function, snake case by default.
remove_dict_fields(data, fields) Remove multiple keys from a dictionary.
remove_dict_nulls(data) Return a shallow copy of a dictionary with all None values excluded.
update_dict(context, function=camel_to_snake, **kwargs) Update dictionary with keyword arguments.

DataFrame Utilities

Function Description
clean_column_strings(data, columns) Clean the column names of a given DataFrame.
end_of_period_timeseries(data, period='M') Convert a DataFrame from beginning-of-the-period to end-of-the-period timeseries.
nonzero_columns(data) Return the non-zero column names of a DataFrame.
nonzero_rows(data) Return the non-zero row keys of a DataFrame.
combine_columns(data, new_key, old_key, drop=True) Combine two numeric columns of a DataFrame.
reorder_columns(data, columns) Re-order a DataFrame given a specific order of columns. Remaining columns will be appended to the end of the DataFrame.
reverse_dataframe(data) Reverse the ordering of a DataFrame.
sum_columns(data, new_key, columns, drop=True) Sum multiple numeric columns of a DataFrame.
rmerge(left, right, **kwargs) Perform a merge using pandas with optional removal of overlapping column names not associated with the join.
set_training_period(series, date_start, date_end) Helper function to restrict a series to the desired training time period.
to_excel_with_style(data, file_name, index=False, sheet_name='Sheet1', style=None) Save a DataFrame to Excel with no style.

Time Utilities

Function Description
convert_month_year_to_date(x) Convert a month, year series to datetime. E.g. 'April 2022'.
end_of_month(value) Format a datetime as an ISO formatted date at the end of the month.
end_of_year(value) Format a datetime as an ISO formatted date at the end of the year.
format_iso_date(date, sep='/') Format a human-written date into an ISO formatted date.
get_timestamp(date, past=0, future=0, zone='utc) Get an ISO formatted timestamp.
months_elapsed(start, end) Calculate the months elapsed between two times, returning 0 if a negative time span.

File Utilities

Function Description
decode_pdf(data, destination) Save an base-64 encoded string as a PDF.
encode_pdf(filename) Open a PDF file in binary mode.
get_directory_files(target_dir, file_type) Get all of the files of a specified type in a given directory.
get_number_of_lines(file_name, encoding='utf-16', errors='ignore') Read the number of lines in a large file.
download_file_from_url(url, destination='', ext='') Download a file from a URL to a given directory.
unzip_files(zip_dir, extension='.zip') Unzip all files in a specified folder. Alternatively, pass a .zip file to extract that file.