Cannlytics Firebase Module
The cannlytics.firebase
module is a wrapper of the firebase_admin
package to make interacting with Firebase services, such as Firestore databases and Firebase Storage buckets, even easier. Firebase is initialized with firebase.initialize_firebase
, which returns a Firestore database instance. The following is a simple example of how to initialize a Firestore database.
from cannlytics.firebase import initialize_firebase
# Initialize Firebase with a .env file.
# variable of the path of your service account.
database = initialize_firebase('./env')
You will need to provide credentials for your application by setting the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable. Set the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the file path of the JSON file that contains your service account key. This variable only applies to your current shell session, so if you open a new session, set the variable again.
Function | Description |
initialize_firebase(env_file=None, key_path=None, bucket_name=None, project_id=None) |
Initialize Firebase, unless already initialized. Searches for environment credentials if key_path is not specified. |
The Firestore functions utilize create_reference
to turn a path into a document or collection reference, depending on the length of the path. Odd length paths refer to collections and even length paths refer to documents. For example, users
is a collection of users, users/{uid}
is a user's document, and users/{uid}/logs
is a sub-collection of logs for the user. With this functionality, you can easily get documents as follows.
# Get all user documents.
users = firebase.get_collection("users")
# Get a document.
user = firebase.get_document("users/xyz")
And create or update documents as follows.
from datetime import datetime
# Create a user log.
timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
firebase.update_document(f"users/xyz/logs/{timestamp}", {
"activity": "Something happened",
"created_at": timestamp,
"updated_at": timestamp
# Update the user.
firebase.update_document(f"users/xyz", {
"recent_activity": timestamp,
If you need to work with arrays or simply increment a value, then there are utility functions for you.
# Add an element to an array in a document.
firebase.add_to_array("tests/firebase_test", "likes", "Testing")
data = firebase.get_document("tests/firebase_test")
# Remove an element from an array in a document.
firebase.remove_from_array("tests/firebase_test", "likes", "Sandals")
data = firebase.get_document("tests/firebase_test")
# Increment a value in a document.
firebase.increment_value("tests/firebase_test", "runs")
data = firebase.get_document("tests/firebase_test")
You can query a collection of documents.
# Get a collection.
limit = 1000
order_by = "time"
filters = [{
"key": "test",
"operation": "==",
docs = firebase.get_collection("tests", limit=limit, order_by=order_by, filters=filters)
Finally, you can import and export data.
# Import .csv data to Firestore.
ref = "tests/test_collections/licensees"
data_file = "./assets/data/licensees_partial.csv"
firebase.import_data(db, ref, data_file)
# Export data to .csv from Firestore.
output_csv_file = "./assets/data/licensees_test.csv"
output_xlsx_file = "./assets/data/licensees_test.xlsx"
firebase.export_data(db, ref, output_csv_file)
Function | Description |
add_to_array(ref, field, value, database=None) |
Add an element to a given field for a given reference. |
create_document(ref, values, database=None) |
Create a given document with given values, this leverages the same functionality as update_document thanks to set with merge=True . |
create_reference(database, path) |
Create a database reference for a given path. |
delete_collection(ref, batch_size=420, database=None) |
Delete a given collection, a batch at a time. |
delete_document(ref, database=None) |
Delete a given document. |
delete_field(ref, field, database=None) |
Delete a given field from a document. |
remove_from_array(ref, field, value, database=None) |
Remove an element from a given field for a given reference. |
increment_value(ref, field, amount=1, database=None) |
Increment a given field for a given reference. |
update_document(ref, values, database=None) |
Update a given document with given values. |
update_documents(refs, data, database=None) |
Batch update documents, up to the MAX_BATCH_SIZE , 420 by default. |
get_document(ref, database=None) |
Get a given document. |
get_collection(ref, limit=None, order_by=None, desc=False, filters=None, database=None, start_at=None) |
Get documents from a collection. Filters are dictionaries of the form {'key': '', 'operation': '', 'value': ''} . Filters apply Firebase queries to the given key for the given value . Operators include: == , >= , <= , > , < , != , in , not_in , array_contains , array_contains_any . |
import_data(database, ref, data_file) |
Import data into Firestore. |
export_data(database, ref, data_file) |
Export data from Firestore. |
create_id() |
Generate a universal ID. |
create_id_from_datetime(timestamp) |
Create an ID from an existing datetime. |
get_id_timestamp(uid) |
Get the datetime that an ID was created. |
You can use Firebase to add authentication to your app. If you choose to do so, then you can manage permissions for your users.
First, you can create a user.
name = "CannBot"
email = ""
user, password = firebase.create_account(name, email, notification=True)
You can add custom claims for a user to control granular permissions.
# Create and get custom claims.
claims = {"organizations": ["Cannlytics"]}
firebase.create_custom_claims(user.uid, email=email, claims=claims)
custom_claims = firebase.get_custom_claims(email)
You can get a user token to authenticate in your client-side code.
# Create custom token.
token = firebase.create_custom_token(user.uid, email=None, claims=custom_claims)
You can get a user or users.
# Get user.
user = firebase.get_user(email)
# Get all users.
all_users = firebase.get_users()
You can update a user's photo_url
, display_name
, email
, phone_number
, email_verified
, and disabled
fields. Pass a dictionary with the desired key/value pairs that you wish to change.
# Update user.
photo_url = f"{}/?width=420&height=420"
user = firebase.update_user(user, {"photo_url": photo_url})
Function | Description |
create_user(name, email) |
Given user name and email, create an account. If the email is already being used, then nothing is returned. |
create_custom_claims(uid, email=None, claims=None) |
Create custom claims for a user to grant granular permission. The new custom claims will propagate to the user's ID token the next time a new one is issued. |
update_custom_claims(uid, email=None, claims=None) |
Update custom claims for a user. The new custom claims will propagate to the user's ID token the next time a new one is issued. |
get_custom_claims(name) |
Get custom claims for a user. |
create_custom_token(uid='', email=None, claims=None) |
Create a custom token for a given user, expires after one hour. |
create_session_cookie(id_token, expires_in=None) |
Create a session cookie. |
revoke_refresh_tokens(token) |
Revoke a user's refresh token. |
verify_token(token) |
Verify a user's custom token. |
verify_session_cookie(session_cookie, check_revoked=True, app=None) |
Verify a user's session cookie. |
get_user(name) |
Get a user by user ID or by email. |
get_users() |
Get all Firebase users. |
update_user(existing_user, data) |
Update a user. |
delete_user(uid) |
Delete a user from Firebase. |
generate_password_reset_link(email) |
Get a password reset link for a user given their email. |
Secret Manager
For sensitive credentials, it is recommended to use Secret Manager. You can use the following functions to easily create, update, and access secrets.
Function | Description |
create_secret(project_id, secret_id, secret) |
Create a new secret with the given name. A secret is a logical wrapper around a collection of secret versions. Secret versions hold the actual secret material. |
add_secret_version(project_id, secret_id, payload) |
Add a new secret version to the given secret with the provided payload. A secret version contains the actual contents of a secret. A secret version can be enabled, disabled, or destroyed. To change the contents of a secret, you create a new version. Adding a secret version requires the Secret Manager Admin role (roles/secretmanager.admin) on the secret, project, folder, or organization. Roles can't be granted on a secret version. |
access_secret_version(project_id, secret_id, version_id) |
Access the payload for a given secret version if one exists. The version can be a version number as a string (e.g. "5") or an alias (e.g. "latest"). |
You can utilize Firebase Storage for file management.
You can upload files to storage.
# Upload a file to a Firebase Storage bucket.
firebase.upload_file(bucket_name, destination_blob_name, source_file_name)
# Upload all files in a folder to a Firebase Storage bucket.
firebase.upload_files(bucket_name, bucket_folder, local_folder)
You can then list files in a given bucket's folder.
# List all files in the Firebase Storage bucket folder.
files = firebase.list_files(bucket_name, bucket_folder)
You can download files.
# Download a file from Firebase Storage.
firebase.download_file(bucket_name, destination_blob_name, download_file_name)
# Download all files in a given Firebase Storage folder.
firebase.download_files(bucket_name, bucket_folder, download_folder)
Finally, you can rename and delete files if needed.
# Rename a file in the Firebase Storage bucket.
firebase.rename_file(bucket_name, bucket_folder, file_name, newfile_name)
# Delete a file from the Firebase Storage bucket.
firebase.delete_file(bucket_name, bucket_folder, file_copy)
Function | Description |
create_short_url(api_key, long_url, project_name) |
Create a short URL to a specified file. |
download_file(source_blob_name, destination_file_name, bucket_name=None) |
Downloads a file from Firebase Storage. |
download_files(bucket_folder, local_folder, bucket_name=None) |
Download all files in a given Firebase Storage folder. |
get_file_url(ref, bucket_name=None, expiration=None) |
Return the storage URL of a given file reference. |
upload_file(destination_blob_name, source_file_name=None, data_url=None, content_type='image/jpg', bucket_name=None) |
Upload file to Firebase Storage. |
upload_files(bucket_folder, local_folder, bucket_name=None) |
Upload multiple files to Firebase Storage. |
list_files(bucket_folder, bucket_name=None) |
List all files in GCP bucket folder. |
delete_file(blob_name, bucket_name=None) |
Delete file from GCP bucket. |
rename_file(bucket_folder, file_name, newfile_name, bucket_name=None) |
Rename file in GCP bucket. |
If you need to create logs, then there is a method, create_log
that provides a standardized way to save logs in your database.
Function | Description |
create_log(ref, claims, action, log_type, key, changes=None) |
Create an activity log. |