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The Cannlytics API utilizes API keys for authentication.

API Keys

A Cannlytics API key identifies a particular user, granting programmatic use at the same level of permission as the user. User API keys are encrypted using a provider's secret key. The secret key is specific to the provider, such as the Cannlytics self-hosted solution. So, only that provider can provide services to the user with the credentials provided. Cannlytics leverages Google Secret Manager to protect your user API keys. Cannlytics does not store API keys, leveraging HMACs to securely represent API key claims instead. Out-of-the-box, your have audit logs. All access to your information is logged, with you being able to view the logs in the Cannlytics Console.

Your API key is observable if you use HTTP, so please use HTTPS when you make requests to the Cannlytics API.

We strongly recommend that you encrypt your API keys in your data store and in memory when working with them except when you need to access them to access the service.


Your API key will expire after a set mount of time, 6 months by default, but you can set the expiration date as you desire.

Customer Holding

You hold your API key, we do not have your API key and can not generate it if it is lost. However, you can easily delete lost API keys and create new API keys to use in their place.

Client Requests

Cannlytics leverages Firebase Auth for server-side session cookie management. The advantages of this security mechanism includes:

  • All the benefits of using JWTs for authentication, with improved security.

  • The ability to create session cookies with custom expiration times ranging from 5 minutes to 2 weeks. Sessions last 7 days by default.

  • The ability to revoke session cookies immediately if token theft is suspected.

Client requests are sent with a hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) in case HTTPS is defeated. Request authorization time is checked before issuing a client session cookie, minimizing the window of attack in case an ID token is stolen. After sign-in, all access-protected views check the session cookie and verify it before serving restricted content based on the user's custom claims.

App authentication

For advanced usage, you can manage your authentication session with the auth endpoints in the table below.

Endpoint Methods Description
/auth/authenticate POST Create an authorized session.
/auth/login POST Sign into your Firebase user account.
/auth/logout POST Sign out of your Firebase user account and end your authorized session.

Users Endpoint /api/users

You can manage your Cannlytics user account through the users API endpoints listed in the table below.

Endpoint Methods Description
api/users/<user_id> GET, POST Get and update your user details.